目前分類:美國心情-職場時代 (5)

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will be back in Taiwan to vote! Leaving this afternoon~

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just reaslized that I haven't been here for 3 months...so what happened?

first of all, here are a couple of photos from my vacation at Key West, Florida during Christmas of 2007!

on the Yacht in Key West, FL. We snorkled, jet skiied, swimmed, and sun bathed!

Sunset on the Yacht in Key West, FL

That was December, and then come January and the new year - I passed my last actuarial exam, passed CFA level 1 and got my US citizenship! Yep, all happened this Jan. It was such an amazing month, I guess. =)

So...I will actually be back in Taiwan for the presidential election next week! Unbelievable! I haven't been back in soooo long. And guess what? Mom and I are going to Cambodia from TW for vacation as well! Nice to take a break from work, I guess~

I went to 104.com.tw today just for fun, like I always do anyways...and there was this one position from Aegon on ALM/Risk Management which I fit the description perfectly (except the Prophet skills, which I don't think it's going to be a problem, anyways as these things are easy enough to learn)...so....I am starting to debate if I shuold apply for the position and try to get an interview while in Taiwan...but the thing is that I am really only in TW for one business day since my trip to Cambodio runs Sunday to Thursday, and then I leave the Sunday after...so only that Friday....nah....don't see how it could work. Oh well...but that's like my dream position! >_< Whatever......I will wait I guess...so, here in the states, I am waiting to see if I will be going to Zurich for work! Yep, you got it right, ZURICH as in Switzerland. =) If I do go, it will be from June to December this year for 6 month, and then hopefully, I can rotate to an ALM or Securitization position next year. Then I will be golden and on track for my bright future.

Still got 7 more pages to write for my FSA paper. Got a project setup already for my FSA, but haven't started working on it yet. Then plan is to go to FAC in September and get my FSA at age 23 and 11 months~ Not exactly the youngest, but definitely on of the young ones, I guess.

Oh, and did I tell you that we had a ballroom dance competition this February and I did well! and yeah, I also got accepted to the Leadership Institute program here and have attended the first session already. What a colorful life going on right now~ Hopefully, I get to go to Zurich~ that would just be great~

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昨天過得很平常,早上到公司看了一小會兒的書、上班、忙著弄客戶的東西,下午又看了一下書,沒有看很久,畢竟是我的生日,怎麼說也應該放自己一假嘛~回到家,收到漂漂的花,還有make a wish的蛋糕,拍了照留念,晚上我再把片片貼上來!小睡片刻,6點多,去上跳舞課,因著我心愛小貓咪的死,我已經3個星期沒跳舞了,昨天晚上上課,感覺挺好的~8點回到家,看看電視後,就睡了。。。很平常的一個生日~

今天,收到了奇奇Chip(我死掉的小貓咪的名字)的像冊,是我之前訂的,裏面有奇奇生前選出來的25張照片,另外買的有奇奇照片的鑰匙圈也收到了,我已經把它栓到我的車鑰匙上了;葬儀社和醫院幫奇奇打的腳印和鼻印也在幾天前寄來了,還有一些從奇奇寶貝身上剪下來的毛,裝在一個ziplock bag裡。這一且,成了以後我對奇奇思念時的唯一寄託。奇奇的brother,Dale,這些天也沒好過,整天都黏著人,似乎很害怕失去我們。生命,竟是如此的脆弱。。。



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這個決定好快啊! 我想,不管我再怎麼否認,我還是那個虛榮又aggressive的女孩吧~

我生病了,不過今天已經好多了,早上多睡了一會兒,9點多才到公司看書學習,早上只看了2個小時,不過下午又看了1個hour,加起來也有3個hours了,雖然和計畫的5個小時還差一些,but anyways, so far我的進度is still on time. 11月的考試比5月的簡單,大家都勸我不用擔心,不過正是因為它的簡單才更加的讓我小心;看著我的coworker們那麼努力的studying,我又怎麼敢偷懶呢...這一切,我想只有身在精算的人能懂吧~


於是,當這條證明路is almost done的時候,我們便再一次的迷失

記得當年我的一個fulltime interview中, interviewer問我的問題是"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" 當時我毫不猶豫的回答,"An FSA woring in an insurance company." 嗯,所以當我與我的FSA越來越接近的時候,我變的lost了,變得開始尋找人生的下一個目標,我的下一條路...CFA成了我暫時的停驛站.

我在經營我的人生,我要上MBA or maybe Finance...

不知道為什麼,450 hours的study time今年5月的考試讓我突然喜歡上了Finance, 喜歡上了Risk Management, Capital Allocation, etc. 沒有什麼特殊的原因,就是一種莫名的渴望...於是,我從原本的"name only member" 成了積極參與活動的Youth Leader of Northeastern Indiana的member,我更發起了要在Fort Wayne這個不大的城裡,成立中國人精算club,聯絡上了全美華人精算club的president並得到了support,雖然距離完成還有很長的路,但我知道,我做的到~

花一年半build up resume,然後拿到FSA,通過CFA1級&2級,然後就是申請master program的時候了...我並不知道我究竟要什麼,當然想去最好的,但我又能真的放下工作嗎? otherwise, 我只能留在這上Chicago or Kellog的weekend program, 那就只有MBA, no more finance possible了...what about financial engineering? 兩年後的煩惱,兩年後再說吧~ 或許到了那個時候, FE也有weekend的了,那我就happy happy了! =)

於是乎我上網寫了blog,因為好久沒有update了------ 原來OL的日子這麼無趣,不再像college life那樣多采多姿,有好多東西可以寫...哎~又或是我老了,寫不動了......

Vicky - 回到Toronto了吧? 看到請留言! 羨慕ing妳的summer vacation....

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  • Sep 07 Fri 2007 09:46
  • Goals

My very last actuarial exam this November, praying for a passing score as usual. I just realized how close I am to the end of this process.

All week at a review seminar in Chicago last week, I met several people from all over the states and various backgrounds. I was amazed on how we eventually landed on the same path! Time flies. It seems so close to the days when I was still a college girl. Those old friends from school, we met at Grand Lux Cafe for dinner. How nice it is that we are all still so alive and have not been eaten by the exam monster! All the goals and objectives we planned for our future. Wow...

Still trying to decide if I want to take CFA level 1 this December or if I want to wait until next year. Taking it this year means that I will be able to get done a year earlier; however, that would also mean taking 2 exams in one month of time including a whole 10-day off to Italy in between. Can I really manage this? I have until September 17 to submit my exam application for CFA. Big decision coming this week, I guess.

Signed up for my first ever event at Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana. I know that I am one step closer to pursue my dream. I will be partially involved with YLNI this second half of 2007. My goal is to be very involved and perhaps run for committee chair early next year. Then, I want to run for the E-board. Also contacted the president of National Chinese Actuarial Club about the idea to facilitate/start a brand new chapter here locally. Everything I do, I realize that it's getting me somewhere. What is the next step? I don't know. But I know that the experience of starting a new club will be unforgettable and very beneficial! 2009 MBA, here I come~

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